Cheese Lovers Rejoice! Review of ThinKrisps

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Photos and Story By Taylor Van Arsdale

“This is what an actor does when he gets tired of being a waiter,” joked Jim Barkley, the owner and creator of ThinKrisps—a gourmet baked cheese crisp that will have you salivating after one bite. But go ahead and take another—even though the product tastes like it’s loaded with carbs—it’s not! The delicious ThinKrisps are made entirely of cheese.

“There’s no gluten, or wheat,” explained Barkley, who, while trying to lose weight, endeavored to make something delicious and all natural, with reduced carbohydrates to enjoy while watching games. “They’re a perfect treat for the Super Bowl.”

ThinKrisps are available in either cheddar or parmesan cheeses—the latter having only 60 calories per round—and there are eight flavors including: garlic, spicy, and sage, all of which retail for roughly $7.50 per tin.

Available at: San Vicente Foods, Rainbow Acres, Good Life Natural and several stores in the Valley.

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