Justin O’Reilly ~ Writer
Justin O’Reilly is a simple kid from Lexington, Kentucky. In September of 2008, he packed up his Jeep and drove across the country with one thing in mind–success. A true believer in the fact that everything happens for a reason. He’s an educated fool with a degree from the University of Kentucky and an insatiable appetite for music, donuts, ice cream and photography. When he’s not writing music reviews or features for M&M, you’ll find him jamming with his band Space Hurricane — a dangerous blend of rock, dueling guitars and catchy riffs. The chances of finding O’Reilly cruising the streets of LA via bicycle are pretty high. If not by bike, you’ll find him marinating at his cabin in the Brentwood/Santa Monica area. A true cannonball, with southern hospitality — boom!
Photo Courtesy of Jason Ryan